Navanti Group secured a seat with the Governance Integration for Stabilization and Resilience in the Middle East and North Africa (GISR MENA) Consortium. GISR can be used by USAID missions and offices for analytical work, field implementation and capacity development of staff, implementing partners and host country institutions. Technical Areas of Work focus are Learning & Knowledge Management, Enabling Effective Governance Response to Shocks and Stressors, Community Resilience.
Buy-ins can be initiated to:
Conduct assessments to understand shocks, stressors and changing political and social dynamics to inform governance, countering violent extremism (CVE) and conflict mitigation programming
Meet rapid response needs to address significant political or socioeconomic shocks and unexpected governance opportunities
Test pilot activities related to stabilization, governance, conflict / CVE and resilience and adapt them for scaling
Share promising practices and lessons learned and strengthen knowledge and skills to address governance and fragility challenges
Develop bridge activities that help span gaps in governance programming while developing a new strategy or program or the transition from humanitarian to development assistance
Ensure the inclusion of youth, women and marginalized populations in governance and conflict programming
Contact ME/TS COR Najiyah Alwazir at and A/ COR Rachel Goldberg at to discuss your project concept or scope of work and its fit with GISR’s scope of work.
When a potential project concept or scope of work matches GISR’s mandate, your Mission or office can select one of the following options:
Option 1: Submit a rough or fully fleshed out scope of work to the COR and A/COR for feedback and/or approval; or
Option 2: Put forward a concept that still needs development to define a scope of work, and request one or more of the following forms of assistance:
Technical and political economy assessments and/or stakeholder consultations to inform concept development and scope of work design; and/or
a co-design process with ME/TS and the MSI consortium to convert the concept into a scope of work. 3. Once there is an approved scope of work, the COR will request the MSI consortium to provide comments on the SOW and a draft budget for discussion with your Mission or office and the ME/TS COR.
GISR can also be used to support technical and organizational assessments that will inform the conceptualization of long-term governance and fragility programs that will be competed separately.