Navanti Awarded Contract for USAID Youth Assessment in North Macedonia

Arlington, Virginia: Navanti to conduct a Cross-Sectoral Youth Assessment (CSYA) for the United States Agency for International Development in North Macedonia (USAID/ North Macedonia). Among other items, the CSYA will explore continuing migration of youth from North Macedonia and offer programming recommendations for USAID/ North Macedonia youth-focused activities over the next five years.
Navanti has been awarded a contract to conduct a CSYA for USAID/North Macedonia. The CSYA will seek to identify the following:
● Priority challenges for Macedonian youth,
● Reasons behind increasing migration of well-educated and uneducated youth from North Macedonia, and
● Opportunities that might encourage youth to stay in country and participate in economic and democratic development.
“This award offers Navanti Group an opportunity to put best practice in positive youth development first, integrating North Macedonian youth into each step of the data collection process, in order to facilitate their engagement with, and ownership of, the results of the project,” said Navanti CEO, Fred Payne.
In furtherance of those aims, the National Youth Council of Macedonia (NYCM) will serve in an advisory role on the CSYA project’s steering committee. The NYCM is a non-profit, non-governmental umbrella organization that promotes youth involvement in decision-making processes in North Macedonia. Navanti is excited to partner with NYCM and benefit from the organization’s expertise in addressing the needs and aspirations of Macedonian youth.
“We’re excited to work on a project which will apply a cross-sectoral approach to identify the challenges youth in North Macedonia face, and understand their capabilities, motivations and existing opportunities that lead to youth’s increased sense of agency and participation in the country’s social and economic life,” said Arber Kuci, Navanti’s project specialist on the CSYA project.
Who we are
Navanti provides timely and insightful data and analysis that shapes programming and empowers local voices, bringing their concerns, ideas, and knowledge to a broader audience. Its systems inform high quality interventions in rapidly evolving, conflict affected environments, employing an approach to contextual, nuanced data that uncovers and engages local actors and opportunities in need of support, resources and training – to create sustainable and transformative solutions that impact their communities. Navanti offers near-real time understanding of local dynamics, enabling an anticipatory programmatic capacity that takes advantage of near horizon change.