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Somalia-Egypt Alliance vs. Ethiopia-Somaliland: A Brewing Crisis?

Mogadishu Port On January 1, 2024, Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy…

Spot Report: Hudaydah Port Fuel Storage and Cranes Damaged

Merchants have informed Navanti Group that previously operational and refurbished cranes at the Port of…

Three Brothers’ ISIS Attack on Muscat Mosque: Implications for Oman by Mohammed Albasha

The Museum of the Frankincense Land in Salalah, Oman Historically, the Royal Oman Police (ROP) have focused…

Where Clients Benefit

For over a decade, Navanti Group’s mission has been to deliver information through on-demand analytical reports, with clients benefiting from subject matter expertise and near real-time data on atmospherics, conflict, and population trends throughout Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, the Levant, and Eastern Europe. Through primary research, publicly available information, and open-source analysis, Navanti’s subject matter experts advise on cultural nuances and answer client driven requests for information in areas of food security, civil society development, peace and conflict, and governance. Each deliverable typically includes imagery, maps, and/or data analysis covering an array of topics including target audiences, local economic conditions, infrastructure, media, humanitarian needs, and socio-cultural assessments.

Why We Are Different

Our Differentiator is that our team has extensive experience managing data collection and understanding cultural norms for difficult environments, including extremely remote locations and conflict zones. Our tenets are Access, Insight, Speed, and Flexibility.

Access – Since 2008, Navanti has built vetted local networks of researchers in over 70 countries throughout Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. They are native to the environments in which they operate, providing nuanced access across ethnic group, gender and class lines.

Insight – Access, without a deep understanding of local dynamics is necessary, but not sufficient for acting in emerging markets. Navanti develops and maintains highly trained subject matter experts that combine unparalleled access of our researchers with cutting edge analytical techniques to surface the “why” that that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Speed – Insight, on difficult to acquire in-depth analysis, is useless unless it can be delivered in time to support operational decisions. Navanti structures all data efforts to meet client decision cycles and formats.

Flexibility – Navanti research adapts as local dynamics evolve, providing an opportunistic capacity that enables clients to anticipate and plan for near horizon change. Together, these principles allow Navanti to provide industry best reporting that provides clients with near real-time data.

Navanti Insights

The War in Yemen - The Unbeautiful South

Mohammed Albasha, Communication and Client Engagement Manager at Navanti Group, was interviewed by The Economist on the war in Yemen.

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For the first time, an alleged terrorist has broadcast a confession in real time on Facebook Live

John Arterbury, Project Manager at Navanti Group, was cited by Caitlin Dewey and Sarah Parnass of The Washington Post on live-streaming of terror attacks.

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Yemen in Focus: Allies turn rivals on strategic Socotra island

Mohammed Albasha, Communication and Client Engagement Manager at Navanti Group, was interviewed by the London-based ‘The New Arab’ on the crisis in Socotra Archipelago.

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Quiet Support for Saudis Entangles U.S. in Yemen

Mohammed Albasha, Communication and Client Engagement Manager at Navanti Group, was interviewed by By Mark Mazzetti and Eric Schmitt, The New York Times on the how the quiet support for Saudis entangles U.S. in Yemen.

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